Cube - Step by Step (Simplified 3D)

To put theory into practice, let's apply what we've learned. Starting with the simplest shape: The cube.

To put theory into practice, let's apply what we've learned. Always starting with the simplest shape: The cube.


1. Draw a square for the front side.

2. At the same angle draw all EXTRUSION edges, the same length. departing from all corners.

3. redraw the same square., All lines parallel to the first square

4. erase the 3 edges that are hidden on the backside. (note there are two possible options)

on the left you can see the bottom of the cube. On the right the top.


How you position your object matters.

The angle of the extrusion will be at a different angle according to where you are positioned.

“x” marks the eye level of the viewer.

If he looks down, he will see the top side of the cube, while if he looks up the top left, he’ll see the bottom and right side of the cube.

All these boxes correspond to the simplified method. The angle has been adjusted in every version. Which you can do too.

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